Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS): What It Is and How to Improve It

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) is a metric that evaluates site experience by measuring how much your site’s pages shift unexpectedly. Even though...

Complete Guide to Image Optimization for Better Website Performance

Image optimization, in general, aims at making images more efficient for web use. Properly optimized images lead to faster page load times, ensuring...

Website Optimization: Top 10 Strategies to Improve Speed, UX, SEO + Tool Suggestions

Website optimization strategies help increase site traffic and conversions. Besides search engine optimization (SEO), we will go over other website...

How to Submit Your Website to Search Engines and Start Ranking

Search engines drive around 93% of all web traffic. Therefore, submitting a website to search engines is an essential step to rank higher on search...

How to Improve Website Performance: Leverage Browser Caching

Improving website performance is essential to reduce bounce rates and drive more traffic. One of the ways to do that is to leverage browser...

How to Set Up a CDN: Tips to Improve Website Performance

Website performance can make or break the success of your online business or project. If a site delivers a poor user experience, visitors will be more...

How to Serve Scaled Images on WordPress to Improve Your Website’s Performance

Website speed is essential for its success since 47% of visitors are likely to leave a website that takes more than two seconds to load. While several...

13 Best Image Formats and When to Use Them

Each image format is optimized for a different use, which is why it’s essential to understand their differences and know when to use them. More...

Progressive JPEG images: What Is It and How It Can Improve Website Performance

A progressive JPEG image is encoded differently than a standard or baseline JPEG image. It loads in successive waves until a clear picture is formed....